PGCE Jobs – News and Jobs Round-up (25/04/2022)


Here is our first round-up of news articles related to the job market for educators. We hope to bring this round-up to you regularly, so you can stay informed on changes and opportunities in the education job market. Click on the underlined text below to read the selected articles.



Dubai private schools hit highest enrolment ever: Why is the city so popular to study in?

The article surprisingly has no mention of how appealing a 0% tax on income is for professionals with families.

Hong Kong

Native-speaking English Teachers are an asset that Hong Kong must not lose.

– Report: 5,720 teachers have left Hong Kong local schools this year:

A member of the LegCo raised concerns about the departure of NETs from HK and the reply revealed the rate of retention in Primary and Secondary schools. The response from the Secretary of Education notably didn’t include any data about this year’s departure rate of NETs.

United Kingdom

Schools dedicated to teaching English as a secondary language are struggling to attract new pupils. Tourism Alliance report that 40,000 jobs in the UK are at risk.

Current Jobs (

Fanling Lutheran Secondary School

Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

CCC Kei Wan Primary School